Goal Use the Handy SDK in a TypeScript project and make Handy move to a position using Handy Direct Streaming Protocol (HDSP)
Completion time 15min
Skills needed Typescript, package managers
Installed tools nodejs + npm



The Handy SDK is a great way to create powerful integrated projects in a short time. In this tutorial, we will make the Handy move to one position then another after 5 seconds using Handy Direct Streaming Protocol (HDSP).

We will use webpack to compile our project and lodash to get it working on a browser.

<aside> 💡 We are not focusing on edge cases and error handling in this tutorial.


Initialize the project

Create the project

Create a folder and navigate into it:

mkdir typescript-sdk
cd typescript-sdk

Create a new project:

npm init -y

Install Typescript + webpack + lodash

Not needed if you already have this installed globally

npm install -D typescript webpack webpack-cli
npm install lodash

Install Handy SDK

For this tutorial, we will be using a specific version. Feel free to remove the @2.3.2 at the end to get the latest version.

npm i @ohdoki/[email protected]

Configure webpack

Create a webpack configuration file in root webpack.config.js :