The machine moves up and down with speed in [%] with between the min and max of the stroke zone.

This mode is perfect for control by a 3-party, like a cam performer.

<aside> 💡 This mode can be used with the Channel API v0 to send commands to multiple Handys at once.


Test the main API HAMP function directly in your browser:

Swagger UI

Coming HAMP changes

We will add a minimum and maximum value for HAMP so controllers can set the type of motion without setting the stroke zone. For example, User A's stroke zone is set to a range of 0% to 100%, and User B's stroke zone is set to 0% to 50%, based on different penis lengths. In the future, the controller can set the HAMP mode to a range of 50% to 100%. This means User A's Handy will move between 50% and 100%, and User B will move from 25% to 50%.

Relevant tutorials

Relevant pages

<aside> 🤖 Cover image [DALL-E]: alternating funny robot

