<aside> ⚠️ Do not make any apps using this guide. It is not complete and will change in the future.


Services and characteristics

Service: 77834d26-40f7-11ee-be56-0242ac120002

TX characteristics: 77835032-40f7-11ee-be56-0242ac120002

RX characteristics: 77835410-40f7-11ee-be56-0242ac120002

Advertising name

Legacy BT would be discoverable as “The Handy”. To increase privacy and to be able to retreive some information from the advertising, we have changed this to ohd_hwX_UUI.

Example: ohd_hw0_adjsfhlssd


Short for our company name Ohdoki.


X is the model nr of the devices. Each release of Handy will have an incrementing nr.

Currently this list is:

  1. Handy 1
  2. Oh
  3. Handy 1.2 (Handy 1, but shipped with FW4 from the factory).


A unique and unchangeable identifier.